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Planning and Development

The guiding principle behind Vermilion’s planning and development process is to ensure orderly and effective management of the use and development of land to achieve a safe, attractive and sustainable environment, while protecting the property rights of individuals.

Planning is responsible for approving Development Permits, letters of compliance, reviewing subdivision applications, area structure plans and land use changes to ensure that the proposed building, structure, or use of a building or land meets the requirements of the Land Use Bylaw and the zoning for the site.  Together, the Land Use Bylaw, Municipal Development Plan, other statutory and non-statutory plans, and the Development Permit, are in place to:
• stabilize property values
• reduce fire, safety, and environmental hazards
• reduce roadway congestion
• ensure adequate light, air and sanitation
• separate undesirable or incompatible land uses
• avoid or reduce over-development or over-crowding of land.