County Government
The County of Essex is governed by Essex County Council, which represents seven local municipalities. The County oversees the efficient management of shared services and common resources like emergency medical services and roads.
Mission Statement
“The County of Essex is a municipal corporation of elected officials and employees working together to meet the challenges of today while respecting our past and preparing for our future.”
Two-Tier Government
Each of Essex County's local municipalities is governed by elected councils. The Mayors and Deputy Mayors from each of those seven municipalities serve on Essex County Council and elect from their ranks a Warden and Deputy Warden to promote the interests of the region as a whole.
Main County Services and Programs
- Roads and Active Transportation
- Land Ambulance (Essex-Windsor EMS)
- Libraries
- Long Term Care (Sun Parlor Home)
- Planning Services
- Community Services (Housing with Supports)
- Emergency Preparedness
- General Government Administration
Regional Funding Partnerships
- Social Services
- Child Care
- Social Housing
- Public Health
- Economic Development
- Tourism
- Property Assessment