Accounting Services consistently reviews our practices and procedures to ensure they comply with professional and ethical standards. They make payments and collect funds for the County. They also handle payroll for close to 900 employees.
Budget and Finance
Proposed 2025 County of Essex Budget
The proposed 2025 Budget is now available for review on the County of Essex website and in person at the County of Essex Administration Building. Alternative formats are also available upon request.
Essex County Council will begin deliberating the proposed 2025 Budget on Thursday, November 28, 2024, at 9 a.m. The livestream link for Essex County Council meetings is:
Written submissions relating to the proposed Budget will be accepted by Melissa Ryan, Director, Financial Services/Treasurer, until 4:30 p.m. on Friday, November 22
She can also be contacted if you wish to view or receive a printed copy of the proposed 2025 Budget document.
Melissa Ryan
Director, Financial Services/Treasurer
County of Essex
Tel: (519) 776-6441, ext. 1312
TTY: 1-877-624-4832
Fax: (519) 776-4455
Melissa Ryan
Director, Financial Services/Treasurer
County of Essex
360 Fairview Avenue West, Suite 202
N8M 1Y6
2024 County of Essex Budget
Essex County Council has approved a 2024 Budget that is fiscally responsible and maintains service levels despite inflationary pressures while making substantial investments in frontline health care, affordable housing and infrastructure to accommodate growth and improve the quality of life for residents.
“We are preparing for growth by investing in services that will ensure residents and businesses continue to find Essex County a great place with a bright future,” said Warden Hilda MacDonald. “Thanks to careful planning, the 2024 Budget maintains the county’s prudent approach and strong financial position.”
The budget invests in frontline health care and puts more ambulances and resources on the road. It includes funding for 12 additional full-time paramedics, on top of four new full-time positions approved by Essex County Council in November, for a total increase of 16. The budget also includes funding for the replacement of eight ambulances, three early response vehicles, one district chief vehicle and 44 automated CPR devices.
The 2024 Budget invests significantly in the expansion of affordable and supportive housing in Essex County, where the need continues to grow. This includes taking $1 million from reserves this year and next to support the construction of 36 tiny homes in partnership with The Bridge in Leamington and continuing a 20-year commitment to provide $48,000 annually to The Bridge to operate 12 supportive housing units.
Continued funding is included for the drop-in Homelessness Hub in Leamington, which recorded 2,208 visits from 336 individuals in its first year of operation and which is currently operating as an overnight warming shelter. The budget also supports the hiring of a community services coordinator to help oversee 10 supportive housing facilities with a total of 228 beds. It provides an additional $200,000 for renewal of aging affordable housing stock, bringing this year’s contribution to $2.05 million.
The $93.8-million road construction capital program for 2024 puts $58.2 million into capacity expansion and another $28.3 million into rehabilitation projects spanning more than 35 km. There is also a $5.68-million investment in the County Wide Active Transportation System, including more than 17 km of paved shoulder projects that make county roads safer for cyclists, pedestrians and motorists.
Key infrastructure projects planned for 2024 include road improvements and a roundabout at the intersection of County Road 42 and County Road 43, a roundabout at County Road 46 at Rochester Town Line and improvements to County Road 19 from County Road 22 to just south of Jamsyl Drive.
The budget also extends hours at the Essex County Library’s Harrow branch and increases staffing hours at Sun Parlor Home to ensure each resident will receive at least four hours of care per day by March 31, 2025.
Essex County will have set aside just over half of the $100 million it has committed for the new regional hospital with a $6.36-million addition to its reserve fund in 2024. Further supporting hospital care in the region, the budget begins a 10-year commitment to contribute $200,000 annually to upgrade equipment and infrastructure at Erie Shores HealthCare in Leamington.
“County of Essex staff from all departments are to be commended for the effort they put into making sure the 2024 Budget addresses the needs and expectations of residents and local municipalities while strategically determining how every dollar can be spent as effectively as possible,” said CAO Sandra Zwiers.
The 2024 Budget of $132,282,190 represents a levy increase of $8,682,960. That translates into $25.55 per $100,000 of assessment or $63.88 for a home assessed at $250,000.
Roads: A $93.8 million construction program, including $58.2 million for capacity expansion and $28.3 million for road rehabilitation projects totalling more than 35 km.
CWATS: $5.68 million for active transportation projects, including more than 17 km of paved shoulders.
Essex-Windsor EMS: Funding to put an additional 16 Paramedics on the road and the replacement of eight ambulances and 44 automated CPR devices.
Sun Parlor Home: Increased staffing hours to provide enhanced care for residents.
Housing: $1 million annually for two years to support the construction of 36 tiny homes in partnership with The Bridge in Leamington. Continued funding of the Homelessness Hub in Leamington. An additional $200,000 to support the renewal of affordable housing stock, bringing this year’s contribution to $2.05 million.
Essex County Library: The Harrow branch will be open for more hours.
Hospital: A $6.36-million payment toward Essex County’s $100-million commitment to the new hospital, bringing the total set aside to more than $50 million.
Credit Rating: AAA with a stable outlook.
Read the 2024 Budget!
The Budget Process
The budget process begins in August as each department reviews priorities and their annual operating and capital requirements. The draft budgets of each department are put into a draft document that is subject to public review and scrutiny before going to County Council for discussion, review and adoption.
Essex County's Credit Rating AAA
S&P Global Ratings increased Essex County's credit rating to AAA with a stable outlook in mid-2022.
Ongoing Financial Monitoring
A year is a long time between budgets so the Treasurer produces variance reports mid-year so council can make informed decisions on whether adjustments need to be made.
Finance Department
The County's Finance Department provides advice and support to Council and other departments in six key areas:
Investing in our infrastructure and planning for the refurbishment and replacement of municipal assets is vital. The County's Asset Management Plan lays out a framework to maintain assets and infrastructure like roads, bridges and culverts.
Budgeting and Financial Monitoring
The 2024 Budget represents the vision of Essex County for the upcoming year and the long term.
The County supports open and transparent government by making important financial documents available for public review:
Audited Financial Statements – Statements prepared by the County's Director of Financial Services/Treasurer and reviewed by an independent, external auditor.
Financial Information Returns – The FIR is the data collection tool used by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing to collect financial and statistical information on municipalities. The FIR is a standard document comprised of a number of schedules which are updated each year to comply with current legislation and reporting requirements.
Public Sector Salary Disclosure – A list of all County Employees making more than $100,000.
The Director of Financial Services / Treasurer protects the County from exposure to unexpected or accidental losses by managing our level of corporate risk. Operational risks are reviewed each year for ways to control, transfer or finance risk within the corporate insurance policy.
The Director of Financial Services / Treasurer works with all departments and outside organizations to plan for cash flow needs and choose investments that maximize return. Standard and Poor's has affirmed our credit rating at AA+ with a stable outlook.