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Reports, Plans and Publications

The County of Essex regularly publishes reports, documents, plans, maps and agendas to inform the public and encourage open and transparent government.

Popular Reports and Publications

Other Reports and Publications

The Multi-Year Accessibility Plan 2023-2027 identifies accessibility barriers and recommends solutions for their removal. It outlines the projects and initiatives we are undertaking to comply with Integrated Accessibility Standards.

The 2024 Asset Management Plan provides for the operation, maintenance, upgrade and eventual disposal or replacement of infrastructure like roads, bridges and buildings.

Municipalities are required to maintain up-to-date Asset Management Plans to secure funding from the Province. They must also show that they are in compliance with relevant information.

Asset Management Plans have three objectives:

  • Maximize the benefits of an asset
  • Manage the risk associated with an asset
  • Provide appropriate and sustainable levels of service to the public

The County of Essex Official Plan lays out how land in our community and local municipalities should be used.

The policies were prepared with input from local municipalities, the public and County Council. Our Planning and Development page has more detail.

The Emergency Response Plan describes the coordinated approach to be taken by the County of Essex and its local municipalities in the event of a major emergency or natural disaster.

The Energy Conservation and Demand Management Plan addresses the fiscal, societal, and environmental costs associated with energy consumption.

The plan provides:

  • A summary of annual energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.
  • A description of previous, current and proposed measures for conserving and reducing energy consumption.
  • A forecast of expected results of current and proposed conservation and energy reduction measures.

The Windsor Essex Regional Community Safety and Well-Being Plan has been developed in accordance with provincial legislation and with guidance from area municipalities and community stakeholders with the goal of re-imagining how to address local crime and complex social issues through preventative and collective action. To achieve this goal, the Plan is designed to bring together municipal governments, sector leaders, local service providers, and local community groups and organizations to identify, contextualize and prioritize local and regional risks.