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Property taxes represent the largest source of revenue for the County of Essex. Taxes are used to fund services and programs like road maintenance and construction, emergency medical services, social services, long-term care and libraries.

Tax Bill Components

Your annual property tax bill is issued by your local municipality. It has three parts:

  • County of Essex taxes
  • Education taxes
  • Local municipality taxes

The total payable is calculated by multiplying the tax rate by the value of your property as determined by the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation. Your final bill is the total of all three parts.



Tax Rates

Tax rates are set each year. Each property class has its own tax rate.

The County of Essex 2019 tax rate for residential properties, for example, was 0.00482987. That means taxes were $965.97 on a home assessed at $200,000 ($200,000 x 0.00482987 = $965.97).

Our Tax Rate By-law sets out the rates on an annual basis for each property class.