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Conservation Authorities

The County of Essex is governed by two separate Conservation Authorities, the Essex Region Conservation Authority and the Lower Thames Valley Conservation Authority.

The Essex Region Conservation Authority

The Essex Region Conservation Authority is governed by a board consisting of four representatives from Windsor City Council, two representatives from each of Essex County's seven local municipalities and one representative from the Township of Pelee.

Conservation Authority Map


The Lower Thames Valley Conservation Authority

The Lower Thames Valley Conservation Authority covers a wide swath stretching from the western portion of Essex County to London and includes representatives from two local Essex County municipalities – Lakeshore and Leamington.

Conservation Areas

Explore these conservation areas in the Essex-Windsor area for beautiful trails, fishing, camping, biking, bird watching and more!

  1. Essex Region Conservation Authority Greenways
  2. Andrew Murray O'Neil Memorial Woods
  3. Big Creek
  4. Big O Conservation Area
  5. Cedar Beach
  6. Cedar Creek
  7. Devonwood
  8. Hillman Marsh
  9. Holiday Beach
  10. John R. Park Homestead
  11. Kopegaron Woods
  12. Lighthouse Conservation Area
  13. Maidstone Woods
  14. McAuliffe Woods
  15. Petite Côte
  16. Rowsom's Tilbury West Conservation Area
  17. Ruscom Shores
  18. Stone Road Alvar
  19. Tremblay Beach