Common sense and common courtesy form the foundation of the rules etiquette you should follow so that everyone regardless of their age or skill level can enjoy our paths and trails.
Trail and Path Etiquette:
- Bikers, inline skaters and faster-moving persons must yield to pedestrians
- Faster trail users should pass on the left and otherwise keep to the right
- Only pass when it is safe and the trail wide enough
- Warn someone with a bell or a greeting if you are about to pass them
- Dogs should be kept on a leash
- Don't litter
- Stay on the trail
On-Road Biking Etiquette
- Ride in the same direction as traffic
- Stop at all stop signs and traffic lights
- Use lights and reflectors at night
- Use hand signals
- Follow lane and highway markings
- Be predictable
- Helmets are mandatory if you are under 18 and strongly recommended if you are older
- Make eye contact with motorists at intersections
- Yield to pedestrians
Walking Etiquette
- Walk against traffic on roads
- Keep right when on a path/trail
- Wear bright, reflective clothing at night
- Don't litter