Bike Repair Stations:
CWATS and its partners have worked to install bike repair stations around the County to provide a fixed platform for cyclists to re-inflate tires, tune bikes and make repairs while away from home. Currently stations have been installed along the CWATS network to improve the reliability of cycling as a mode of transport or recreational activity. Our repair stands incorporate a range of tools such as screwdrivers, tire levers, chain tools and an integrated pump with a pressure gauge. These public pumps are more user-friendly and a quicker alternative to portable bike pumps. Keep your eyes open for more repair stations around the County of Essex as we become a more cycle-friendly community.
Watch the videos below if you have any questions on how to use the stations:
Common Bike Repair Issues
Water Finder:
The health unit has created an interactive, online tool that links you to water-related resources throughout Windsor and Essex County, including water fountains, filling stations, splash pads, swimming pools and beaches.
End-Use Facilities can include:
- Safe and secure bicycle parking
- Shower area
- Washrooms
- Changing rooms
- Bicycle racks
- Bicycle lockers for longer term parking
- Benches
- Maps
- Garbage bins
- Water fountains
Bicycle Racks
The CWATS plan calls for the installation of bicycle racks at key locations including:
- Schools
- Libraries
- Arenas
- Soccer fields
- Municipal buildings
Exercise Equipment
Some trails, like Optimist Park in Lakeshore, feature exercise equipment to promote diversified physical activity while cycling or walking.