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Walking is an enjoyable, low-impact exercise that promotes weight loss, reduces stress and promotes physical and mental wellbeing. You can walk alone, you can walk with friends, you can walk with your dog. Just get out and walk!

Read our walking safety guidelines if you are just getting started. Then find a route and hit the trail!

All you need to get started is a comfortable pair of walking shoes but you might want to invest in some additional gear including:

Additional Gear
Item Use
Walking poles
  • Great on flats or rolling hills
  • Helps with balance
Trekking poles
  • Ideal for hiking
  • Made for steep hills
  • Indoor/outdoor use
  • Increase balance
Step counters/Pedometres
  • Measures number of steps
  • Measures calories burned, distance travelled
Heart rate monitor Measures exertion level
Phone/music player
  • Music can motivate
  • Phone available in case of emergency
Fanny pack
  • Carries essentials like snacks and a water bottle