Master Plan
The County of Essex adopted in 2012 the County Wide Active Transportation System Master Plan, which calls for a dramatic expansion of active transportation corridors like walking paths and bicycle lanes to encourage healthy, active living and enhance regional recreational opportunities.
Master Plan Update
The County of Essex is currently updating the 2012 Master Plan. The County and its local municipal partners have made considerable progress in implementing parts of the CWATS network since 2012. The CWATS Master Plan is being updated to reflect lessons learned, best practices and new trends that have emerged since 2012.
A virtual open house was held on December 15, 2020 with the purpose to:
- Provide an update on 2020 CWATS Progress and CWATS successes;
- Provide an update on 2021 Proposed CWATS Projects;
- Provide an update on what has changed since the original 2012 CWATS Master Plan;
- Provide a high-level overview of the Master Plan Update process; and
- Present proposed (draft) changes and enhancements to the current CWATS network.
Missed the Open House?
Master Plan Highlights
The main parts of the Master Plan include:
- Education and Engagement: Involve the public and stakeholders in the process and the development of the network.
- Proposed Active Transportation Network: A vision of a completed network of trails and paths as envisioned in 2012
- Implementation: An outline of the phases and costs associated with achieving the plan's objectives
- Policies and Recommendations: An outline of the policies and recommendations that guide development of the CWATS network.