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Outreach and Education Program

CWATS isn't just about building trails and paths, it's about a community of interest surrounding the recreational opportunities abounding in Essex County and promoting the many benefits of a healthy, active lifestyle.

Social Media

CWATS is active on Facebook and Twitter and Instagram!A group of cyclists

Active Living

We have resources devoted to safetycyclingwalking and steps for beginners to get up off the couch and out the door.

We also have information on off-road and on-road etiquette to ensure people off all skill and fitness levels can enjoy our network of paths and trails.

We're Listening

Let us know if you have questions about our paths and trails or suggestions for making them even better!

Ongoing Education

The County of Essex has partnered with the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit and other key stakeholders to develop safety programs and public awareness campaigns focused on safe cycling and walking, sharing the road and the benefits of an active, healthy lifestyle.