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Vision, Goals and Principles

ECREP Strategic Framework

The development of a Regional Energy Plan will support the County of Essex community to reap the economic benefits of the ongoing modern energy transition by ensuring reliable, cost-competitive energy services to residents and businesses. The opportunity to support local economic development is significant.

The project methodology will follow the following key steps:

  1. Establish a baseline for energy use, energy related emissions and energy costs for 2019.
  2. Establish goals for energy use, energy related emissions and energy costs for 2041.
  3. Model energy use, energy related emissions and energy costs in 2041 with no action.
  4. Undertake efficiency simulations that consider global best practice and local opportunities.
  5. Recommend a preferred strategy to achieve the 2041 goals.
  6. Identify priority projects for the first five years.

A graphic illustrating the team's Energy Vision