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Official Plan

The County of Essex Official Plan is a comprehensive planning document that sets out long-term goals and objectives to guide the development of the County. The Official Plan sets a framework for co-ordination and co-operation among local municipalities and the County on planning and development issues that transcend municipal boundaries. It contains specific land use policies for settlement areas, agricultural areas and the protection of the natural environment. It also includes a policy framework for resource management, growth management and the provision of physical services, such as transportation facilities. Most importantly, it provides guidance to local municipalities in the preparation of local official plans and zoning by-laws which ultimately shape the physical development of the County.


For more information regarding planning at the municipal level, check out the planning web pages for the seven local municipalities in the County of Essex:

Town of Amherstburg

Town of Essex

Town of Kingsville

Municipality of Lakeshore

Town of LaSalle

Municipality of Leamington

Town of Tecumseh

Have questions? Contact our planning staff

County of Essex
Attn: Planning Services
360 Fairview Ave W, 
Essex, ON
N8M 1Y6

Rebecca Belanger, MCIP, RPP
Manager of Planning Services
519-776-6441 ext. 1325

Daryan Branch, MCIP, RPP
Senior Planner
519-776-6441 ext. 1329