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Starting or Growing a Business

Essex County is a prime location to open a business. We have diverse technological and manufacturing sectors backed up by quality educational institutions. We have a highly-skilled workforce.

We're located at the heart of North America's trading corridor, within hours of millions of potential customers on both sides of the border.  Work is underway on the Gordie Howe International Bridge, which will connect Canada to the United States along with the existing Ambassador Bridge.

Small Business Centre

The Small Business and Entrepreneurship Centre at the Invest WindsorEssex is your one-stop source for information, guidance and professional advice on starting or expanding a business in Windsor-Essex.An empty warehouse

Business Resource Centre of Essex County

If you're considering starting a new business or expanding an existing one, take advantage of the resources and potential small business loans available through the Business Resource Centre of Essex County.

For nearly 20 years, the Business Resource Centre, formerly the Essex Community Futures Development Corporation, has assisted county ventures with loans, advisory services and networking.

WEtech Alliance

WEtech Alliance assists tech entrepreneurs in information gathering, networking and launching and marketing new ventures. WEtech is a member of the Ontario Network of Entrepreneurs (ONE).

Community Profiles

Where should you open your business? There are seven unique local municipalities in Essex County.

Invest WindsorEssex has created detailed profiles for Amherstburg, Essex, Kingsville, LaSalle, Lakeshore, Leamington and Tecumseh.


Invest WindsorEssex tracks employment, real estate and financial information to assist existing businesses and those looking to locate in the region.

Workforce WindsorEssex tracks local market trends and workforce demographics.