Ambulance and Paramedics
Essex-Windsor Emergency Medical Services (EMS)
Essex-Windsor EMS provides ambulance service and pre-hospital emergency medical care to nearly 400,000 residents of Essex County, Windsor and Pelee Island. We provide 24-7 coverage 365 days of the year, which works out to about 404,000 on-road paramedic hours.
We respond to 63,000 medical events and transport 37,000 patients to hospital annually. Our fleet of ambulances travels more than 2,250,000 kilometres each year, covering an area of 1,852 square km.
Essex-Windsor EMS employs more than 290 college-trained paramedics and operates out of 12 bases spanning the region. Our paramedics are community boosters who work and volunteer at community events year-round.
Mobile Integrated Healthcare Program and Partners
Essex-Windsor EMS is a leader in adopting programs that help provide the right care at the right time in the best location. These programs ease the strain on local ambulances responding to 911 calls and reduce offload delays at hospital emergency rooms. Our groundbreaking Mobile Integrated Healthcare Community Paramedicine (MIH-CP) program encompasses the Vulnerable Patient Navigator, Community Paramedicine – Long Term Care, the Mental Health and Addictions Response Team, and Community Assessment Triage Team.
Staff dedicated to the Vulnerable Patient Navigator (VPN) program, launched in 2016, work closely with patients who use emergency medical services more than three times in six months. The VPN team connects patients enrolled in the program to support agencies and monitors their progress to ensure follow-up care is provided. Since its inception, the VPN program has resulted in a more than 60 per cent reduction in repeat usage of EMS by these patients.
The Community Paramedicine – Long-Term Care (CP-LTC) program provides the following services to those who are either on the wait list or are deemed eligible for long-term care placement:
- Access to health services 24-7, through in-home and remote methods, such as online supports;
- Non-emergency home visits and in-home testing procedures;
- Ongoing monitoring of vital signs to prevent escalation of chronic medical conditions; and
- Assessments, referrals, diagnostic procedures and point-of-care testing.
The Mental Health and Addictions Response Team (MHART) is a partnership between Essex-Windsor EMS and Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare that pairs a paramedic and social worker to meet clients in their communities, providing care, resources and connections to community services. This program serves individuals who have experienced an overdose and/or are experiencing mental health related concerns.
The Community Assessment Triage Team (CATT), launched in 2023, provides low-acuity patients the treatment and services they need while reducing the volume of unnecessary transports to the hospital emergency department following 911 calls
Essex-Windsor EMS also works closely with over 45 partners united under the umbrella of the Windsor-Essex Ontario Health Team. Using its expertise in logistics, patient care and mobility, Essex-Windsor EMS assisted in the development and building of a Mobile Medical Support clinic. The vehicle is now travelling across the region providing care close to home for patients who might otherwise need to be transported to hospital emergency rooms.
Peer Support Team
Essex-Windsor EMS places a priority on mental wellness. Paramedics, like other first responders, are often involved in stressful or particularly traumatic calls. Our Peer Support team assists paramedics and ensures they get the support they need. Learn more about our Peer Support program.
We Help First
Essex-Windsor EMS is a proud partner of the We Help First initiative, a coalition of First Responders dedicated to promoting mental wellness, building resilience and reducing the stigma.
First Responders are at increased risk of experiencing occupational stress and other mental health issues. The We Help First coalition is dedicated to working collaboratively to develop strategies and programs to address the continuum of mental health issues known to impact First Responders.
Forms and Services
Essex-Windsor EMS provides dedicated paramedic medical coverage for special events. Coverage depends on the availability of staff and ambulances. A Medical Coverage Request Form must be completed to apply for this service.
Essex-Windsor EMS also makes every effort to attend events to which it is invited for public relations. However, attendance depends on the availability of staff and ambulances. A Public Relations Request Form must be completed for every invitation.
Essex-Windsor EMS offers a variety of other services and mechanisms for feedback. We also ask the community to register their life-saving Automatic External Defibrillators.
Mission Statement
The County of Essex, Essex-Windsor Emergency Medical Services is committed to providing the highest quality emergency medical pre-hospital care to the citizens of the County of Essex, the City of Windsor and the Township of Pelee.
Our purpose is to foster fiscally responsible quality care through:
- Maintaining mutually supportive relationships with other emergency services and health care agencies in our community.
- Participating in public education for prevention and awareness.
- Providing continuous quality improvement to ensure the highest standards are achieved.
- Supporting our employees and providing them with the tools and methods to accomplish the highest quality of care.
Essex-Windsor EMS staff also adhere to a Code of Privacy as it relates to a patient's personal health information.
Contact Essex-Windsor EMS
Call our administration office: 519-776-6441, ext. 2656
For news updates go to our Make The Right Call page.