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Events and Requests

Paramedics with Essex-Windsor EMS provide medical coverage for events and also attend community gatherings as ambassadors to highlight their vital role and health and safety issues.

Medical Coverage

Essex-Windsor EMS provides medical coverage for special events, ranging from festivals to corporate outings to municipal functions.

Coverage is dependent on staff and ambulance availability. Fees may apply.

Please fill out our Medical Coverage Request form and we will respond within 72 hours.

Our Fees and Charges By-law breaks down the cost.

Event Attendance RequestParamedics in front of an ambulance

Our paramedics visit schools, participate in parades and provide station tours in the bid to highlight health and safety issues.

Please fill out our Event Attendance Request form if you would like paramedics to attend your event. We will respond within 72 hours.

Ambulance Call Report

Requests for copies of Ambulance Call Reports must be submitted to our Privacy Officer.

You must complete an Authorization for Release of Ambulance Call Report and submit it along with your identification and a $75 service fee, payable to the Corporation of the County of Essex.

Cool Aid Form

The Cool Aid program helps paramedics identify potential high-risk patients in emergency situations. It enables paramedics to provide proper treatment in the event you are unable to communicate.

The Cool Aid form contains information about your medical conditions, medications and allergies. You should place the completed form on the front of your fridge.

Print a Cool Aid form at home or have us send you one by filling out our Cool Aid request form.