How to Provide Feedback
Essex-Windsor EMS provides a vital service to the residents of the region. Feedback from users is encouraged. Here are the ways you can let us know about your experience with our team:
Paramedic Recognition
Thank a paramedic!
Our paramedics work tirelessly to provide you with the best care possible. Fill out our Thank a Paramedic form if you would like to recognize a specific paramedic or paramedics for their service. Provide as much detail as you can so our management team can ensure your words of thanks are relayed to the paramedic(s).
Client Satisfaction Survey
Anyone who has had a recent experience with Essex-Windsor EMS can assist us by filling out our online survey to let us know how we are doing.
Complaint Procedure
Any member of the public can file a complaint, either directly to Essex-Windsor EMS or to the Ontario Ministry of Health.
Complaints to Essex-Windsor EMS
To make a complaint to Essex-Windsor EMS please contact the Professional Standards Division by email.
As well, anyone who believes they have been harassed or discriminated against is entitled to pursue a complaint by contacting any of the following:
- The Professional Standards Division of Essex-Windsor EMS
- The Chief of Essex-Windsor EMS
- The Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario
Complaints to the Ontario Ministry of Health
The ministry’s Emergency Health Services Division has the authority to investigate complaints through the Ambulance Act. Complaints can be sent by email to or by using the ministry’s complaint form.
Information can also be sent to the following address:
Investigation Services
Emergency Health Regulatory and Accountability Branch
North American Centre, 6th floor
5700 Yonge Street
Toronto ON M2M 4K5
Include as much information as possible in your complaint, including a description of what happened, when and where it happened (date and approximate time), and who was involved.