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Emergency Planning and Preparedness

Emergency Management Coordination at the County of Essex is responsible for coordinating efforts in the event of a major incident or natural disaster.

Emergency Response Plan

The County's Emergency Response Plan outlines a multi-pronged strategy to respond to emergency events.

The County has also prepared an emergency guide for businesses and community agencies called the Business Partners Disaster Preparedness and Business Continuity Guide.

Alerts and Notifications

Sign up to receive emergency alerts in your local municipality:








Our Responsibilities:

The Emergency Management coordinator has four primary responsibilities:

  1. Review, update and test the County of Essex Emergency Response Plan.
  2. Raise Awareness about emergency preparedness.
  3. Respond to emergencies and help with recovery.
  4. Coordinate emergency response with local municipalities and partners.

More Resources

For more information and tips about what you can do to be ready when an emergency strikes go to