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Stray Animals

Stray Animals

Call 780-581-2407 and the Peace Officer will contact the owner and/or pick up the animal. If it is after hours, your call will be returned the following operating day.
If safe to do so, take the animal to the Vermilion Veterinary Clinic (4401-47 Ave) and they will have the Town contact the owner.

Lost Pets

If you have lost a pet, follow these steps:

  1. Immediately look around your neighbourhood.
  2. Call the Vermilion Veterinary Clinic 780-853-5904 to see if your pet has dropped off.
  3. Check with Municipal Enforcement 780-581-2407 to make sure that the contact information associated with your license is correct.

If your pet is licensed and wearing tags, Municipal Enforcement will contact you if your pet is found.