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Vermilion is a thriving community that has much to show for all of the people who have lived here and contributed to making the Town of Vermilion a great place to live!

A number of these people are buried in the Vermilion Cemeteries. If you are looking for deceased buried in Vermilion cemeteries contact Vermilion Town Hall at 780-581-2402 or visit the Vermilion Public Library 5001 – 49 Ave to browse through the Vermilion History Books. Services provided locally in Vermilion include complete earth burial or cremation services, pre-arranged funeral plans, monuments and markers.

Town Council has developed a Vermilion Cemetery Memorial Fund. This fund is only to be used for perpetual care of the cemeteries. Tax deductible donations are received by the Town and placed into an interest bearing reserve. The interest from the account is then used to help defray the cost of maintaining the cemeteries. It is anticipated that if the reserve becomes enough, then when the cemeteries are full, the interest from the reserve will pay for their yearly maintenance. Please see Cemetery Brochure for more details.

The Vermilion Public Library genealogy interest group meets from September through to May on the second Thursday of each month at 6:30 pm at the library 5001-49 Ave. No matter where you are in your genealogy journey, this group is for you. Let our knowledgeable and keen leader, help you fine-tune your search and discover information and sources you didn’t know existed. Share your own successes and failures, and enjoy the company of others with the same interest!

Cemetery Brochure

Catholic Cemetery Database A - L

Catholic Cemetery Database M - Z

Public Cemetery Database A – F

Public Cemetery Database G – L

Public Cemetery Database M – R

Public Cemetery Database S – Z

Monument Permit Form