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Sewer Line Repair and Replacement

Sewer lines that are damaged or cannot be cleaned may require a repair or replacement.

The municipality will construct, maintain, and repair the service line from the property line to the main.

  • During a repair the municipality may have to remove the pavement, sidewalk, and/or landscaping to access the underground utility line.
  • After the repair, the area is filled with gravel or soil until it can be restored to its previous condition. This includes replacing underground sprinklers, lawns, planting beds, driveways, sidewalks, curbs, etc.
  • It is normal for the fill material to settle and sink below ground level before it can be restored to its previous condition.
  • Paving, concrete, and landscape work can only be done in warm weather (usually May to October) and will automatically be scheduled for you.
  • Once the landscaping is complete, it is the responsibility of the property owner to water and maintain until grass and plantings have rooted.

The property owner will be responsible for the construction, maintenance, and repair of the service line from the house to the property line.