Applications are now being accepted for the Essex County Library Board
Residents of Essex County who are interested in serving on the Essex County Library Board are invited to submit applications. Appointments to the Board are for a four (4) year term.
You are eligible to apply if you meet all of the following criteria:
- Resident, owner or tenant of land in Essex County;
- Canadian Citizen;
- At least 18 years old;
- Not prohibited by law from voting in a municipal election;
Not an employee of the Essex County Library Board or the Corporation of the County of Essex.
Applications received will be forwarded to the Clerk of your local municipality. The Council of each municipality will review the applications received and nominate a representative to the Library Board for their municipality. Essex County Council will make the final appointments to the Essex County Library Board.
Check with the Clerk of your municipality to determine the final date that they are accepting Library Board Member applications.
Complete and submit the online Application for the Essex County Library Board. Applications are also available at all Essex County Library Branches and all Municipal Offices in Essex County.