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Civic Centre to Close to Public in Response to COVID-19

Essex County, ON In an effort to protect staff and slow the spread of COVID-19, the County of Essex is closing the Essex County Civic Centre to the public effective the opening of business on Thursday, March 19, 2020.

Staff will still be working and available by telephone or email. The main phone number is 519-776-6441.

You can access a municipal directory on our website for specific extensions. You can also access our website for more information on municipal services.

“We are dealing with extraordinary circumstances requiring extraordinary measures and we need to do everything we can to protect staff and residents and slow the spread of COVID-19,” said Warden Gary McNamara.

“We appreciate this may be an inconvenience but we know residents understand this is a reasonable and necessary precaution to take.”

Our Infrastructure Services Department will still respond to issues related to County Roads. Issues can be reported by phoning 519-326-8691 or via an online form.

Sun Parlor Home remains closed to outside visitors. Anyone with questions can contact Sun Parlor Home at 519-326-5731, ext. 3202.

Any updates will be communicated to the public on our website and on Facebook and Twitter.

For the most up-to-date information on COVID-19, residents should visit the websites of the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit, Public Health Ontario and Public Health Canada.