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County Council Highlights for Nov. 20, 2024

Drive Safe and Sober During the Festive Season

Warden Hilda MacDonald opened Wednesday’s meeting by urging everyone to “drive safely and drive sober” during the upcoming fun and festive season.

“Lots of people will be on the roads shopping, attending holiday celebrations and visiting families in the coming weeks. Please take your patience with you when you get behind the wheel,” she said. “Police across Essex County will be working around the clock to get those who are impaired and otherwise breaking the law off the road. Let’s make their holiday season an easy one.”

Public Invited to New Transportation Master Plan Event on Dec. 5

Warden MacDonald encouraged the public – along with municipal councillors and officials – to register for a December 5 event to learn more about the possibilities and potential of a new Essex County Transportation Master Plan.

The County of Essex is in the process of updating its Transportation Master Plan with the assistance of R.J. Burnside and Associates Ltd. Input was collected at a public information centre on June 27. Essex County Council on Wednesday received a report and update from Jerry Behl, manager, transportation planning and development, that included a presentation by Burnside.

The next public event will feature a panel of experts. Transportation Master Plan: Possibilities and Potential is being held Thursday, Dec. 5, from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the Ciociaro Club in Tecumseh. More information, including how to register, is available on the county’s Transportation Master Plan web page.

The goals of the Transportation Master Plan are to:

  • Facilitate long range planning and provide a policy framework for transportation infrastructure for the next 30 years;
  • Establish a blueprint to develop the future transportation system;
  • Develop a safe, sustainable, multi-modal strategy;
  • Recognize unique needs for municipalities and all types of road users within Essex County; and
  • Enhance the county’s connectivity to internal and external transportation networks.

The county is coordinating and collaborating with the City of Windsor, which is also updating its transportation master plan.

Invest WindsorEssex Updates Council on its Activities in 2024

Invest WindsorEssex facilitated $152 million in investments in existing Essex County businesses from January 2023 to October 2024, representatives said in a presentation to council.

It also assisted Essex County companies in creating 225 new jobs, as well as attracting $63 million in new investment that created 207 jobs. It worked with small businesses to create another 429 new jobs.

Windsor and Essex County landed $5.7 billion in new business investment and 5,078 new jobs from 2022 to 2024. The bulk of that investment was $5 billion for the NextStar Energy electric vehicle battery plant in Windsor.

Tourism Windsor Essex Pelee Island Reviews Plans and Priorities

The number of visitors to the region has bounced back since the pandemic, according to 2023 statistics from Tourism Windsor Essex Pelee Island. Representatives presented council with statistics for the past three years and its priorities going forward.

County Maintains Highest Possible Credit Rating

Standard and Poor’s has affirmed Essex County’s credit rating as AAA with a stable outlook – the highest available to county level governments in Ontario.

The favourable rating means Essex County and local municipalities pay lower interest rates on debt and the outlook is for this to continue in the coming years, says a report about the credit rating. The report also notes that the county’s solid financial stance means it is able to continue its pay-as-you-go approach to capital projects.

New Workplace Violence and Harassment Policy Adopted.

Council approved a new Workplace Violence and Harassment Policy and Program, Workplace Violence and Harassment Policy Statement, and Occupational Health and Safety Policy Statement. These will be reviewed at least annually, says a report. It also notes that policy statements and the program show a commitment to maintaining a safe and healthy work environment.

Additional Deputy Clerk Appointed

Council has appointed Director of Legislative and Legal Services/County Solicitor David Sundin an additional deputy clerk. CAO Sandra Zwiers was the backup deputy clerk for several months due to staff changes and Clerk Katherine Hebert has continued to perform her previous role as deputy clerk. It is anticipated a manager of records and accessibility/deputy clerk will be appointed in the coming weeks, says a report to council.