County of Essex 2019 Highlights
The County of Essex placed an emphasis on customer service, transparent government, improved internal processes and employee engagement and development in 2019 while maintaining its commitment to sound financial planning and quality infrastructure.
Here are some of the key achievements by Department for 2019:
Council and Community Services
Clerk’s Office:
- Live streaming of Council meetings to better engage residents and promote open and transparent government.
- Captioning will be added to the live stream in 2020 to enhance accessibility.
- Launched responsive website and boosted engagement on social media channels.
- Organized outreach events for the Essex County Accessibility Committee, including the 2nd Annual Accessibility Awareness Walk and a lecture from a renowned accessibility rights advocate.
- Spearheaded the creation of an Employee Engagement Committee to promote health and wellness in the workplace, provide professional development opportunities and encourage charitable giving.
Housing with Supports:
- Extended the Housing with Supports program into Amherstburg.
- Partnered with the Community Partnerships Program to provide individual and group counselling sessions to residents.
- Worked with the Hotel-Dieu Grace Health Care to better ensure successful transitions when patients are discharged to Housing with Supports providers.
- Facilitated partnership between a provider and the Windsor-Essex Community Health Centre for a home to receive on-site multi-disciplinary services including primary care.
- Partnered with Sun Parlor Home to facilitate a “Gentle Persuasive Approach” certification program for staff of Housing with Supports providers.
- Moved quickly to safely rehouse 22 displaced residents.
Essex-Windsor EMS
- Reduced ambulance offload times by an average of 11 per cent or 4.8 minutes, increasing on-road ambulance time by some 2,692 hours.
- Worked to reduce the number of frequent 911 callers. The usage of EMS services by patients enrolled in our Vulnerable Patient Navigator (VPN) program declined by 68 per cent in 2019 compared to 2018.
- The VPN team held 104 paramedicine clinics, 607 home visits, made 298 referrals to community organizations, administered 110 flu shots to vulnerable patients and outfitted with remote monitoring equipment 66 patients suffering from COPD, CHF and/or Diabetes.
- Completed 10-year Master Plan, a guiding document for future ambulance service.
- Purchased seven new ambulances, including two hybrid ambulances that come with decreased fuel costs.
- Outfitted ambulances with blue lights for higher visibility and Paramedic safety.
- Chief Bruce Krauter receives Mental Health Champion Award from Canadian Mental Health Association.
General Government Services
Administrative and Financial Services
- Validation of the County’s strong fiscal management practices as evidenced by the affirmation of the County’s AA+ with a stable outlook credit rating from S&P.
- Council approval of an updated Procurement Policy that enhances our purchasing transparency and creates a solid foundation to ensure value for money spending of tax dollars. Development of standardized templates, tools and training to operationalize policy across all departments.
- Council approval of a new Strategic Asset Management Plan Policy that establishes the integration between long term asset maintenance and renewal plans with the County’s financial and operational decision-making processes.
- Ongoing business process mapping and re-engineering to modernize routine finance tasks and improve efficiencies.
Human Resources
- Created and filled a new Occupational Health & Safety Consultant position to focus on workplace health, wellness and safety.
Planning Services
- Accepted three draft plans of subdivision, creating 1046 units and 40 blocks.
- Accepted four draft plans of condominium, creating 200 units.
- Worked with several local municipalities updating their Official Plans.
- Began working on a Community Energy Plan with local municipalities and the Essex Region Conservation Authority. The plans aims to create economic efficiencies, improve energy performance and mitigate climate change.
Infrastructure Services
- Worked on planning and design studies for:
- County Road 42 and 43 widening and diversion with roundabouts at County Road 19 and 43
- County Road 11 and South Talbot Roundabout
- County Road 19/22 intersection improvements
- County Road 3 Environmental Assessment
- County Road 22 Corridor Alternative Strategies Study
- Completed $30 million in road reconstruction and rehabilitation projects totaling nearly 50 km.
- Expanded active transportation facilities by constructing 18.3 km of paved shoulders, 2.4 km of multi-use trails and 2.9 km of bike lanes.
- Initiated review of CWATS Master Plan and hosted CWATS celebration at Civic Centre.
- Continued work on Road Rationalization study.
Sun Parlor Home
- First ever Code Green Exercise: 200 residents and 90 employees evacuated in less than 42 minutes.
- Increased resident access to life enrichment activities during the evening and on holidays and weekends.
- Prepared more than 225,000 nutritious meals for residents.
- Hired a new administrator and home social worker.
- First Aid Training for RNs and RPNs.
- New dishwashing system to improve operational efficiencies.