County Supports YQGStandsStrong Campaign
The County of Essex is supporting a campaign to stand strong in the face of COVID-19 by celebrating everything we love about the region.
Residents are encouraged to share on social media pictures of the places that make Windsor-Essex such an amazing place to call home.
Find some great memories in your photo roll and share your pictures using the hashtag #YQGStandsStrong.
“During these challenging times, we want to fill your social media with great memories and great pictures, and what we look forward to doing when self-isolation is over,” says Tourism Windsor Essex Pelee Island.
Every week, TWEPI will randomly choose one of the #YQGStandsStrong pictures and share it on their social media channels, awarding the photographer a $50 gift certificate for use at a local business.
The campaign runs until May 17. You can submit photos simply by sharing them on social media and tagging them #YQGStandsStrong. You can also submit them via an online form.
Winners will be announced weekly on TWEPI's Facebook page, Twitter page and Instagram page.
TWEPI has also made available online a series of #YQGStandsStrong visual assets that can be used by individuals, businesses and community partners to share on social media or print out to display at homes, offices or business store fronts.