CWATS Launches Rethink Your Drive Contest
Essex County residents can win prizes for leaving their vehicles parked when they take short trips around home or elsewhere in the county during October.
The Rethink Your Drive Contest challenges them to use active transportation – such as walking, running and cycling – to replace trips they normally take by car. Replacing a five to 15-minute car ride with walking or cycling is an achievable goal for many, and contest participants can consider even longer trips if they feel ambitious. They are also encouraged to use the contest to explore the County Wide Active Transportation System (CWATS) network.
“We have a great opportunity in Essex County to shift our travel behaviour to active transportation for short trips while also meeting our weekly physical activity goals,” said Diana Radulescu, CWATS Active Transportation Coordinator. “We are fortunate in Essex County to have so many recreational opportunities, and we hope this campaign encourages residents to get outdoors and get active while staying safe this October.”
Whether they are using sidewalks, trails, bike lanes or multi-use pathways, active transportation contest participants must log the distance (in kilometres) and time (in minutes) of their trip. They can submit their entries using the online CWATS Rethink Your Drive Contest Entry Form. Alternatively, they can share their trip details and photos on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram using the hashtags #CWATS and #RethinkYourDrive. Multiple entries are allowed, but they should be for different trips.
Photos entered may be shared on CWATS and County of Essex social media channels and used to promote the CWATS network. Each qualified entry will be part of a weekly random draw for exciting prizes, such as bike locks, helmets and gift cards!
Entries must abide by the Rethink Your Drive Contest Rules and participants should follow public health guidelines to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
The CWATS network spans over 400 km across all seven local municipalities in Essex County and links to trail systems in Windsor and Chatham-Kent. Construction over the next 15 years will see the network of trails, pathways and signed routes expand to about 800 km.
Walk! Ride! County Wide!
Rethink Your Drive Highlights:
- The Rethink Your Drive Contest runs from Oct. 1 to Oct. 31.
- Trips must be within Essex County to be eligible.
- Only residents of Essex County can enter.
- There are weekly prizes of bike locks, helmets and gift cards.
- The grand prize winners to be drawn at the end of the contest will receive new shoes or a new bike!
MyCWATS Online Mapping - MyCWATS is the first interactive map for active transportation in Essex County. It allows users to explore the CWATS network and local trail networks. Use it to plan your routes for the Rethink Your Drive Contest.
To learn more about CWATS visit the website and follow CWATS on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
For more information contact:
Diana Radulescu
Active Transportation Coordinator
519-776-6441, ext. 1309