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CWATS Unveils Proposed 2020 Projects, Gathers Public Input on Master Plan

Three projects spanning more than five km in three Essex County municipalities are being proposed for 2020 by the County Wide Active Transportation System committee. Design work is also being proposed on three other projects stretching more than 2.5 km in two other local municipalities that would pave the way for construction in 2021.

The proposed projects were unveiled for public input at an Open House at the Essex County Civic Centre Tuesday. Residents also provided input on the CWATS Master Plan, which was developed in 2012. The Master Plan is being updated over two years to reflect lessons learned and to incorporate best practices and the latest trends in active transportation. Input can still be provided to Active Transportation Coordinator Katherine Wilson.

The CWATS committee, which includes representatives from all the local municipalities, wants to hear from pedestrians, cyclists and users of other non-motorized vehicles about the state of the network and suggestions for improvements. Are there any missing links or gaps? Are there opportunities for new active transportation links? Should routes be added or removed? What are your short, medium and long-term priorities for the system?

Residents look at poster boards during a CWATS Open House at the Civic Centre


Since 2012, the County has constructed 415 km or about 52 per cent of the proposed CWATS network, which will eventually include about 800 km of active transportation corridors linking the County’s seven local municipalities and connect with trail systems in Windsor and Chatham-Kent.  

The County has constructed:

  • 8 km of what will be 15 km of bike lanes
  • 7 km of what will be 19 km of one-way cycle paths
  • 85 km of what will be 197 km of multi-use trails
  • 95 km of what will be 262 km of paved shoulders
  • 220 km of what will be 300 km of signed routes

The construction projects proposed for next year have already been identified in the CWATS Master Plan and are supported by the respective local municipality. Under the standard CWATS formula, the local municipality contributes 60 per cent of the cost and the County is responsible for 40 per cent. The projects must still be approved by Essex County Council.

The construction projects proposed for 2020 include:

Amherstburg: Paved shoulders on 1.3 km of Alma Street from Fryer Street to Meloche Road. The estimated cost is $783,350.

Kingsville: Paved shoulders on 1.8 km of County Road 50 from Ford Road to Arner Townline. The estimated cost is $750,000.

Lakeshore: Paved shoulders/Multi-Use trail on 2 km on County Road 2 from Patillo Road to East Pike Creek. The estimated cost is $1,750,000.

The CWATS committee is also proposing to undertake multiple functional design studies next year so projects would be ready for construction the following year.

These studies include:

Leamington: Bike lanes on 0.4 km of County Road 34 from 200 metres west of County Road 33 to 200 metres east of County Road 33. The total estimated cost is $30,000.

Leamington: Multi-use trail on 1.8 km of County Road 33 from 350 metres south of Monarch Lane to Mersea Road 12. The total estimated cost is $50,000.

Tecumseh: Bikes lanes on 1 km of Manning Road from Riverside Drive to St. Gregory Road. The total estimated cost is $20,000.

We want your input on the proposed projects and the CWATS Master Plan!

Send your comments, questions and suggestions to Active Transportation Coordinator Katherine Wilson.