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CWATS Virtual Open House to Seek Input on Master Plan, Proposed 2021 Projects

The County of Essex is hosting a virtual Open House next week to showcase the active transportation projects proposed for 2021 and to gather input on the County Wide Active Transportation System.

The virtual Open House will be held via Zoom from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Tuesday, Dec. 15. Members of the public wanting to participate can register in advance and will be sent a link to the online meeting.

The CWATS committee, which includes representatives from all seven local municipalities, is proposing several active transportation projects for next year as part of a long-term plan to construct a regional network of bicycle lanes, multi-purpose pathways, paved shoulders and shared roadways. Residents are invited to weigh in on the proposed projects, which will be sent to County Council for consideration.

The virtual Open House will also:

  • Provide an update on the 2020 CWATS program and its successes
  • Provide an update on what has changed from the original 2012 CWATS Master Plan
  • Provide a high-level overview of the Master Plan update process
  • Present proposed changes and enhancements to the current CWATS network.

Public input is crucial as we update the CWATS Master Plan, which was developed in 2012. The Master Plan is being updated to reflect lessons learned, best practices and new trends. The updated plan is meant to be used by County staff, municipal leaders and community partners to guide future planning

The CWATS team wants to hear from pedestrians, cyclists, users of other non-motorized vehicles and motorized vehicle users who share the roadway about the state of the network and suggestions for improvements. Are there any missing links or gaps? Are there opportunities for new active transportations links? Should routes be added or removed? What are your short, medium and long-term priorities for the system?

There will be a discussion period following the virtual presentation and an opportunity for participants to ask questions.  Following the meeting, the CWATS team will be launching an interactive online tool and comment form that members of the public can use to provide comments on the proposed changes and the Master Plan update.

These online tools will be available until the end of the year to provide ample opportunity for input. You can also email the County’s Active Transportation Coordinator. If you are unable to attend the virtual Open House, the materials will be posted on the CWATS website.

Register for the Open House!

For more information or to provide feedback, contact:

Katherine Wilson, Active Transportation Coordinator, County of Essex

519-776-6441, ext. 1309


Dave McLaughlin, Senior Project Manager, WSP
