Drive-In Movie & Fireworks Bring in Canada Day!
Thank you for coming out to the Town of Vermilion's 2021 Outdoor Movie and Fireworks Display - a huge success with over 100 cars with 250 people in attendance! What a beautiful evening!
The evening began with recognition of Treaty 6 and Metis region 2 and with reflection on how our lives have changed over the last 15 months with the COVID-19 Pandemic and with special recognition of the last month - an emotional month for our communities and country as unmarked graves of thousands of indigenous children - victim of residential school systems - continue to be discovered across Canada.
Thank you to the Canada Day Committee and the Town for organizing and supporting this event with special thanks to Ken Farkash for organizing the volunteers; Lakeland College for the use of the football field and the Fire Training support and to Cornerstone Coop for supplying a snack shack! All very much appreciated!!
Two door prizes were given out - DVD's of the Movie Raya and the Last Dragon!
#canadaday #Canada #explorevermilion #goeastofedmonton #fireworks #outdoormovienight