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Essex County Road Crews Ready for Winter

County of Essex road crews are ready to roll this season when the winter weather strikes and are reminding motorists to adjust their driving habits in snowy conditions and be patient and alert when encountering snow removal equipment.

Winter travel calls for extra care even under normal weather conditions, but snow and ice on roadways can reduce tire traction while vehicle exhaust and blowing snow can reduce visibility.

It’s never safe to pass a snow removal vehicle. Snow plows are extra wide and create clouds of snow, which reduces visibility for trailing vehicles. It is best to wait for the plow to pull over before passing. As well, it is important to keep parked vehicles off roadways so the plows can do their job.

The County of Essex is responsible for 720 centreline kilometres of road network. The County maintains 18 salt/plow routes. Crews maintain a 24-Hour weather watch, including road patrols, and are dispatched from four depots spread strategically across the County.

County crews apply a salt-brine solution to the roadway ahead of snowfalls, which helps prevent snow and ice accumulation, and they pre-wet the salt, which makes it work faster and at lower temperatures.

Average annual salt usage is estimated at 25,000 tonnes and annual winter maintenance expenditures average about $3 million. A Global Positioning System is used to monitor salt use and computerized controls on vehicles allow for precision when spreading salt.

The County typically responds to between 80 and 90 winter events per season and snow is in the forecast this weekend, with Environment Canada calling for snow mixed with ice pellets overnight Friday and wind, snow and ice pellets through Saturday afternoon.

Check out these winter driving tips from Ontario’s Ministry of Transportation and remember: When you see snow, go slow!