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Essex-Windsor EMS, Essex Fire Launch New Mental Wellness Initiative

Essex County, ON — Essex-Windsor EMS and Essex Fire and Rescue are implementing an innovative program designed to make it easier for paramedics and firefighters to seek help for mental wellness issues.

Paramedics and firefighters will each be issued what is called an “All In Coin.” By simply sliding that coin across a table or handing it to one of their peers, a conversation on mental wellness will be initiated. The recipient of the coin can be an active listener or, if need be, can initiate the conversation. The coin can also be handed to a friend or family member.

“The first step is always the hardest – admitting you have a problem and asking for help,” said Essex-Windsor EMS Chief Bruce Krauter. “The All In Coin makes it easier to take that all important first step and simply possessing the coin will serve as a reminder to our members that they are not alone and that help is always available.”

The coin is emblazoned with a red Maple Leaf on one side and a buffalo on the other. Project All In was started last November by two firefighters from Alberta in response to the news of a first responder completing suicide. More than 9,500 coins have already been distributed to first responders in eight different countries, including Canada.

“The coin is a tactical tool to help kickstart important conversations,” said Essex Fire and Rescue Chief Rick Arnel. “We’re all in this together and those conversations are crucial to recovery and mental well being.”

The coins are being distributed to all 280+ Essex-Windsor EMS staff and paramedics as well as 80 firefighters and staff in Essex.

“Bad calls come with the territory when you’re a first responder and over time that created a culture of silence,” said Warden Gary McNamara. “Thankfully, the landscape is changing. A new culture of awareness and openness is taking root through the dedicated efforts of leaders like Bruce Krauter and Rick Arnel.”

The All In Coin program is the latest initiative, or tool, Essex Fire and Rescue and Essex-Windsor EMS are embracing to promote mental wellness among first responders.

The services already have Peer Support Teams and responders wear red epaulettes every Friday in support of Wounded Warriors Canada, which has partnered with local First Responder agencies to offer innovative mental wellness programs.

Essex-Windsor EMS also provided to paramedics, retirees and their loved ones access to Road to Mental Readiness training, which was initially developed by the Department of National Defence.