Essex-Windsor EMS Paramedics Honoured at Queen's Park
Three Essex-Windsor EMS Paramedics were honoured with Exemplary Service Medal bars in a ceremony at Queen’s Park Thursday night.
David Jacobs and Michael Jacobs received bars in recognition of 40 years of service and Wayne Russelo was recognized for 30 years of service.
Paramedics who have served the community in a meritorious manner for at least 20 years, with at least ten of those years having been spent on the front lines, are eligible for the Governor General’s EMS Exemplary Service Award.
The award “recognizes those professionals who have performed their duties in an exemplary manner, characterized by the highest standards of good conduct, industry and efficiency.”
Paramedics who have received their Exemplary Service Medals are then eligible for bars marking 30, 40 and 50 years of service. The three Essex-Windsor EMS paramedics were among 68 paramedics honoured at Thursday’s ceremony.