Everyone Counts 2016 - The Homeless Coalition of Windsor Essex County
"Everyone Counts 2016" - The Homeless Coalition of Windsor Essex County
Our community will be conducting the first ever Point in Time (PiT) Count in conjunction with the Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness', '20K Homes Campaign' in the first quarter of 2016. This is a national, coordinated count that will happen in communities all across Canada in this same time period. We are targeting the month of April for the Windsor/Essex 'Everyone Counts 2016' events and requesting support from both the public and private sectors to help us make this event a success. This will be determined by the depth of conversations and amount of tangible data collected from this vulnerable population, as it will help local programming and secure government support moving forward.
The Homeless Coalition of Windsor Essex County will be leading the PiT count with the assistance of a consultant who will coordinate our two synchronized local events. A PiT count serves two functions:
- To count the number of people experiencing homelessness in Windsor and Essex County to determine the extent of the situation.
- To gather demographic/health information on this community so that we can better assist with their needs and ultimately help them find a permanent home.
Volunteers are needed for this improtant inititaitive. Please see visit The Homeless Coalition of Windsor Essex County's website for more information.