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Gathering Perspectives for Community Energy Planning

Essex County, ON - A survey is hoping to gain insight and perspective regarding the importance of energy use from diverse groups across Essex County. The Essex County Regional Energy Plan (REP) is being developed to better understand current energy consumption, identify opportunities for energy efficiency, help to meet the community’s climate priorities, and strengthen the local economy. All seven Essex County municipalities are partners in this comprehensive plan.

“We want to hear broadly from the community what is important to them when it comes to energy use, energy efficiency, and climate action,” explained Warden Gary McNamara, Chair of the Community Task Force.  “We know from our preliminary modelling that the amount of energy used in the average home in Essex County is more than twice global best practice. Greenhouse gas emissions are about five times global best practices per person, and that our community currently spends over $800M on all types of energy, most of which leaves the County.  We really want to engage with our residents about how to make real and impactful change for the betterment of our environment and economy.”

Recognizing our region is one of the most diverse in all of Canada, the Community Task Force plans to reach out directly to encourage Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour to participate in the survey to ensure all perspectives are included. As well, the EcoTeam from Leamington District Secondary School has pledged to help encourage young people in our region to also contribute their views.  

The survey is available online at the newly launched website at and will be available for input until September 11, 2020.



Media Contacts:       Renée Trombley

                                    Manager of Communications & Organizational Development

                                    County of Essex

                                       519-776-6441 ext. 1330


                                    Claire Sanders

                                    Climate Change Specialist

                                    Essex Region Conservation Authority

                                           519-776-5209 ext. 388