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Highlights from Council

February Highlights from Council

February 2, 2021


Fire Chief Bill Roth

Fire Chief Bill Roth gave a brief overview regarding the purchase of the new Aerial Quint Fire Truck to replace the 20 year old Pumper Truck. He spoke about the 20 year longevity of this purchase. Mr. Roth indicated that this new equipment will keep the area well served for many years moving forward. He expressed that this equipment is a good fit for the community to keep residents safe and the firefighters safer while working.

New Business

Utility Account Write-Offs

Council authorized write-offs of miscellaneous account balances totaling $4,765.35, to be expensed in the 2020 fiscal year.

Capital Budget for 2019 Broadband Pilot Project

Council approved the change in funding of the 2019 Community Broadband Initiative Capital budget to increase by $50,000 from $305,000 to $355,000 with the increase funded by Municipal Sustainability Initiative Grant.

Emergency Management Plan Update

Council approved the Emergency Management Plan for the Town of Vermilion. The revisions are compliant with the amended Emergency Management Act and Regulations dated September 2020, the Municipal Government Act, and the Town of Vermilion’s Emergency Management Bylaw 1-2021.

County of Vermilion River and Town of Vermilion Fire Services Agreement

Council approved a Fire Services agreement for a four-year (4) term beginning in 2021 as recommended by the Intermunicipal Liaison Committee on January 22, 2021.

County of Vermilion River and Town of Vermilion Recreation Services Agreement

Council approved a Recreation Services Agreement for a three-year (3) term beginning in 2021 as recommended by the Intermunicipal Liaison Committee on January 22, 2021.

County of Vermilion River and Town of Vermilion Ice Plant Funding

Council accepted the offer of a one-time funding commitment of $500,000 as provided by the County of Vermilion River. This would help to see a replacement of the existing plant and is contingent on the Town approving a design and tendering a contract for completion in 2021.

These Highlights of Council are an informative summary only, as official minutes of the meeting will be approved at the next regular meeting of council.