Highlights from Council - December 21, 2021
Oath of Office
Deputy Mayor
Councillor Paul Conlon has been appointed as Deputy Mayor for the months of January and February 2022.
Bylaw 5-2021 - Amending Bylaw for Parks, Recreation and Culture Board
First reading of Amending Bylaw 5-2021 was defeated.
New Business
Operating and Capital Budget 2022
Council gave second, third and final reading to approve the 2022‐2024 Operating Budget and 2022‐2026 Capital Budget and Forecast which includes an increase in property tax revenue of 2.2%, and an increase in Water and Solid Waste Utility rates.
Committee Reports
A number of Committee Reports were received for information.
Economic Development
Retail Development Incentive Program – Perfectly Mentionables
Council pre-approved Perfectly Mentionables for up to $15,000 under the 2021 Retail Development Incentive Program.
These Highlights of Council are an informative summary only, as official minutes
of the meeting will be approved at the next regular meeting of council.