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Highlights from Council - February 16, 2021

February Highlights from Council

New Business

2019 Computer/Printer Capital Budget

Council approved the increase in 2019 Computer/Printer Capital budget by $29,000 funded by Municipal Operating Support Transfer (MOST) grant in part to improve the quality of the Council Meeting broadcasts.

Ice Plant Project 21-007

Council accepted the quote from Cimco Refrigeration, The Canadian Ice Machine Company a subsidiary of Toromont Industries Ltd. for the Stadium Ice Plant replacement project #21-007 and that administration be directed to enter into a contract with Cimco Refrigeration. The total project cost of $1,800,000 is to be funded by a combination of Town reserves, the Municipal Sustainability Initiative (MSI) grant, $500,000 in support from the County of Vermilion River with an anticipated $305,000 through the Think Ice Plant capital fundraising campaign led by Vermilion Facility Enhancement Board (VFEB).

Committee Reports

Transportation and Utilities

2021 Street Improvement Program

Council approved a delay of the construction of proposed 2021 street improvement projects until 2022.

Street Light Assessment Study

Council authorized administration to conduct a street light assessment study.

Sewer Trunk Line Slope Assessment

Council accepted the additional scope of work proposed from SolidEarth Geotechnical Inc. to complete the trench stability and construction requirements for the sewer trunk line for a total of $16,200.00 plus GST and a contingency of $1,620.00 with the funding to come from the Municipal Stimulus Program Grant.


These Highlights of Council are an informative summary only, as official
minutes of the meeting 
will be approved at the next regular meeting of council.