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Highlights from Council - July 13, 2021

Council Highlights - July 13, 2021

As per the Provincial reopening announcement for July 1, 2021, Council Chambers is now open to the public to attend in chambers.

New Business

Public Commentary

Erwin Warkentin was present for the public input session and inquired about the activities along the back of his property. The concern was referred to administration for further information. It was indicated that the activity is in relation to the sewer trunk line replacement. Notifications will be sent out to residents in the proximity of the work being done. Mayor McAuley thanked Mr. Warkentin for attending the meeting and accepted his concerns as information.

Roll #1078000 - Cancellation of Taxes - Staff Recommendation

The Council for the Town of Vermilion approved the cancellation of a portion of property taxes for roll #1078000 in the amount of $1,862.85 – Community Improvement and Infill Program.

Appointment of Interim CAO

Council appointed Kevin Lucas as Interim Chief Administrative Officer for the Town of Vermilion effective July 13, 2021 up until the role of CAO is hired.

Resignation - Councillor Clint McCullough

The Council for the Town of Vermilion accepted Mr. McCullough’s resignation from Council effective June 22, 2021 and being that it is less than 4 months from the general municipal election, and to be consistent with the Municipal Government Act, a by-election will not be required.

Committee Reports

Transportation and Utilities

Council supported the writing of a letter to AUMA identifying the need for reliable and sustainable hazardous waste disposal in the province of Alberta.

2022 Street Improvement Program Engineering RFP

The Council for the Town of Vermilion awarded the 2022 Street Improvement Program Engineering Contract to BAR Engineering for a total of $64,800.00 plus GST and a 10% contingency.


These Highlights of Council are an informative summary only, as official
minutes of the meeting 
will be approved at the next regular meeting of council.