Highlights from Council - July 19, 2022
Public Hearings
By-Law 5-2022 – Off-Site Levy Rates
Council for the Town of Vermilion held a Public Hearing regarding the Off-Site Levy Rates Bylaw, which establishes an off-site levy for land that is to be subdivided or developed within the Town of Vermilion. There were two residents present for the Public Hearing, neither had any objections to the proposed revisions.
Bylaw 5-2022 – Off-Site Levy Rates
Mr. Ben McPhee, Director of Infrastructure and Planning Services presented the final copy of the Off-Site Levy Rates which establishes an off-site levy for land that is to be subdivided or developed within the Town of Vermilion.
Council proceeded with second and third reading to the Off Site Levy Bylaw 5-2022.
New Business
Erika Power, Manager of Operations was introduced and welcomed to the team.
Public Commentary
Erwin Warkentin was present for the public commentary and brought forward a concern regarding a public commentary procedure. Residents are asked to state their name and address when presenting to Council as confirmation of residency in the Town of Vermilion during public commentary. Mr. Warkentin suggested this may be uncomfortable for some residents in broadcasting this personal information to the public. An alternate suggestion was to write down their address or bring in a bill showing name and address.
Mayor Throndson thanked Mr. Warkentin for attending the meeting and accepted his concerns as information.
Fire Department Drone Purchase 2022
Council approved the addition of the $10,000 Drone to the 2022 Capital budget with funding from third party donation.
General Engineering Services Contract
Council awarded the General Engineering Contract to McElhanney Ltd. for three (3) year term with an option to extend for two (2) additional one (1) year periods.
Strategic Plan 2022-2026
Council accepted the 2022-2026 Strategic Plan as presented.
Addendum to Town of Vermilion/County of Vermilion River Fire Service Agreement
Council increased the compensation rate for all Town of Vermilion firefighters responding to a County of Vermilion River fire call from $26.52 per hour to $29.09 per hour effective August 1st, 2022.
Committee Reports
Airport Advisory
Committee Membership Appointment
Council appointed Bruce MacDuff to the Airport Advisory Committee for a two-year term expiring July, 2024.
Committee Membership Appointments
Council appointed Shaelyn Fahselt to the Environment Committee for a three-year term expiring July, 2025.
Council appointed Jackie Good to the Environment Committee for a three-year term expiring July, 2025.
These Highlights of Council are an informative summary only, as official
minutes of the meeting will be approved at the next regular meeting of council.