Highlights from Council - June 20, 2023
Oath of Office
Oath of Office - Councillor Robert Snow – Deputy Mayor – July/August 2023
Council appointed Councillor Robert Snow as Deputy Mayor for the months of July and August of 2023.
Municipal Assessment Presentation - Mr. Mike Krim and Mr. Don Paul, Tanmar Consulting
Mr. Krim and Mr. Paul gave an overview of municipal assessment and taxation.
Vermilion RCMP Detachment – Sgt. Buckingham
Sgt. Buckingham provided an update on activities within the detachment. Sgt. Buckingham gave overview on the Real Time Operations Centre (RTOC). The three community priorities were reviewed as well as detachment support.
New Business
Public Commentary
Ms. Janet Elliott and Ms. Cindy Wilkinson were present for the public commentary and made a presentation to Council regarding property taxes to self-serviced lots.
Airport Engagement and Survey Report
Council accepted the Airport Engagement and Survey Report as information.
Acceptance of Quote from Legacy Contractors
Council accepted the quote from Legacy Contractors at a total cost of $49,515.90 including GST.
FCSS Amendment Agreement
Council approved the additional funding of $1,102.66 required to accept the additional $4, 411.63 in community funding for FCSS programs.
These Highlights of Council are an informative summary only, as official
minutes of the meeting will be approved at the next regular meeting of council.