Highlights from Council - May 16, 2023
Mr. Doug Stewart, Vermilion Agricultural Society
Mr. Stewart gave an overview of Vermilion Agricultural Society and an update on the grant application through the Community Facility Enhancement Program Grant (CFEP). Grant application has been completed which would enable projects such as new box stalls in barns, new roof for the big red barn, work to racetrack and in field ground. This would facilitate more events, such as team roping, etc. Mr. Steward thanked Town Administration for the letter of support provided.
New Business
Fire Services Agreement – Dispute Resolution
Council defeated the motion to initiate the Dispute Resolution Process identified in the Fire Services Agreement Section 15.1. and send a dispute notice to the County of Vermilion River as per Section 6.3.1. of the Intermunicipal Collaboration Framework Agreement County of Vermilion River-Town of Vermilion to formally through the ILC Committee resolve the outstanding invoice of $11,233.50 to the County of Vermilion River.
County Fire Billing Write-off
Council approved the write-off of accounts receivable account #847 in the amount of $11,233.50 to be expensed in the 2023 fiscal year.
Termination of Agreement
Council defeated the motion to submit notice to the County of Vermilion River, on or before June 30, 2023 that as per section 10.1 of the Fire Services Agreement the Town of Vermilion is terminating the agreement becoming effective December 31, 2023.
2023/24 Ice Rates
Council defeated an hourly rate increase of 7% for the 2023/24 Stadium/Arena facilities.
Seniors’ Week June 5 - 11, 2023
Council proclaimed June 5 - 11, 2023 as Seniors’ Week.
Lemonade Day Northern Alberta - June 17, 2023
Council approved the requested $750.00 from Community Futures Lloydminster and Region to be a sponsor for young entrepreneurs in the Town of Vermilion.
Committee Reports
A number of Committee Reports were received for information.
Planning and Development
2023 Offsite Levies - Committee Recommendation
Council authorized the 2023 Offsite Levy rates to remain the same as the 2022 rates.
Intermunicipal Collaboration Framework (ICF) Committee
Firefighter Honorarium - Committee Recommendation
Council increased the firefighter honorarium for practice hours by $1.90/hr. Standby Duty increased by $1.09/day. Show up rate increased by $0.54/hr.
Council amended the County Calls hourly rate to read $29.82/hr. with no additional County of Vermilion River reductions.
Closed Session
Council directed administration to investigate the Codes of Conduct with Municipal Affairs.
These Highlights of Council are an informative summary only, as official
minutes of the meeting will be approved at the next Regular Meeting of Council.