Highlights from Council - November 21, 2023
Vermilion RCMP Detachment – Sgt. Buckingham
Sgt. Buckingham provided an update on activities within the detachment and an overview about body worn cameras. The three community priorities were reviewed as well as detachment support.
Vermilion & District Chamber of Commerce – Ms. Miranda Lychak, President and Ms. Leanne Martin, Executive Director
Ms. Miranda Lychak and Ms. Leanne Martin gave an overview about website, board policies, bylaws, office/staff policies, sustainability plan and professional development. Ms. Lychak summarized services and programs offered by the Chamber.
New Business
Public Commentary
Mr. Erwin Warkentin brought forward concerns about damage done to Town property by a Council member.
Grant Application and Grant Information – Motion 23/08/100 Rescind
Council rescinded Motion 23/08/100 approving administration to provide grant application information to Council and apply for the grant before the application deadline in 2023.
Committee Reports
A number of Committee Reports were received for information.
These Highlights of Council are an informative summary only, as official
minutes of the meeting will be approved at the next regular meeting of council