Homelessness Hub Opens in Leamington
The County of Essex and Family Services Windsor-Essex officially opened on Friday a Homelessness Hub in Leamington that will provide support and services to residents in Essex County struggling to find accommodations amidst an accelerating housing and homelessness crisis.
“The Essex County Homelessness Hub will provide vital supports to the residents who need it most, offering them hope and a hand up, and it reflects the reality that the housing and homelessness crisis is not simply a big city problem,” said Warden Gary McNamara. “The County continues to grow and we need support services like this and others to cater to our growing population and ensure no one is left behind.”
The County has embarked on a two-year pilot project with Family Services Windsor-Essex to open and operate a homelessness hub in the South Essex Community Council building at 215 Talbot Street East in Leamington. Family Services Windsor Essex is a non-profit, charitable organization with strong links to other community service providers and extensive experience in providing counselling and support services.
“Family Services Windsor-Essex is excited to lead this initiative on behalf of the County of Essex. The Essex County Homelessness Hub is a critical connecting point to support those experiencing homelessness to begin their journey to housing,” said FSWE Housing Manager Barb Iacono. “With the support of our partners such as South Essex Community Council we have created a one stop point of access coordinating multiple services throughout Essex County.”
The Hub opened on Sept. 12 and has experienced consistent usage by individuals seeking guidance and assistance. Its profile is growing in the community as Family Services Windsor-Essex leverages existing connections with multiple service agencies and faith leaders.
Leamington Mayor Hilda MacDonald welcomed the opening of the Homelessness Hub in Leamington, which has a larger urban centre than most other local municipalities while being farther away from centralized support services in Windsor.
“Residents of Leamington and every County of Essex municipality deserve to have the safety and security of a roof over their head and this hub will make it easier for them to access the services and supports they need to find a home,” said MacDonald. “The need is just as great in the County as it is in the city and this hub hopefully marks the beginning of what will be additional supports and services for residents in Essex County.”
The hub is open Monday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Visitors can access food, restrooms, clothing, quiet spaces for daytime rest as well as computers and phones. The hub will also serve, during operating hours, as a safe and accessible shelter during extreme weather conditions.
Services offered at the Hub include housing search assistance, enrolment in government income support programs such as Ontario Works (OW) and the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP), referrals to other local community agencies, access to harm reduction services, and help for individuals to meet additional basic needs like food security and clothing.
The County of Essex in cooperation with Family Services Windsor-Essex will collect data on usage and program uptake to improve services as the pilot project moves forward. Having this structure in place will enable the County to pursue innovative emergency shelter operations to further address a community need should federal or provincial funding become available.