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Join the Kick-off Walk for Suicide Prevention Awareness Week - September 10

What is Suicide Prevention Awareness Week?

The Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) in collaboration with the Windsor-Essex County Health Unit (WECHU) is leading a campaign to bring awareness about mental health promotion and suicide prevention. We have convened a large network of community partners to plan and launch the inaugural Suicide Prevention Awareness Week from September 10-16, 2016. The Suicide Prevention Awareness Week planning group includes representatives from Essex-Windsor EMS, The County of Essex and partners from all sectors including Workplace, Health Services, Community, School Boards, and Post-Secondary Institutions.

CMHA, WECHU, and other community partners will be hosting various events and activities throughout the week to promote suicide awareness and prevention (i.e., webinars, training workshops, talks, wearing yellow, etc.).

Kick off Walk - Saturday, September 10:

Register for Free!

To kick-off Suicide Prevention Awareness Week on September 10th, (World Suicide Prevention Day) there will be a community walk in support of those who struggle with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and/or other mental illnesses – this may include a family member, a friend, or yourself. Join us to show support for those who are affected. Register now for this free event!

For more information, please visit CMHA's website or follow the Suicide Prevention Awareness Week Campaign on Facebook.