Notice of Project Commencement: County Road 19 and County Road 22 EA Addendum
Dillon Consulting Limited has been retained by the County of Essex to undertake the review and preliminary design of the required stormwater facilities (roadside ditches, sewers and stormwater pond) on County Road 19.
In November 2008, the County of Essex filed a Notice of Completion for the County Road 19 (Manning Road) and County Road 22 Improvements Environmental Study Report that identified the location, size and phasing for a stormwater management pond.
Due to various factors, including stormwater upgrades since the original EA and difficulty with finding suitable property, a review of the storm design identified as the Preferred Alternative is considered necessary. All other aspects of the Environmental Study Report and Class EA remain unchanged, as only the above noted items are being reviewed at this time. A description of the process that led to the proposed changes and a description of the new system will be documented in the Addendum.
The project extents have not changed since the original EA and are as generally outlined in the photo above and include:
• A complete review of the storm sewer and roadside ditch design for the County Road 19 corridor tributary to the East Townline Drain and existing culvert crossing of County Road 22; and,
• The design and review of potential location(s) for the required stormwater management facility to properly attenuate large rain events within the watershed.
Completion of the addendum and preliminary design is currently scheduled for fall 2019.
We greatly appreciate your cooperation.
Jane Mustac, P.Eng. Chris Patten, P.Eng
Corporation of the County of Essex Dillon Consulting Limited
360 Fairview Avenue W. Suite 315 3200 Deziel Drive, Suite 608
Essex ON, N8M 1Y6 Windsor ON, N8W 5K8
519-776-6441 ext. 1397 519-948-5000 ext. 3210