Notice of Public Hearing - Bylaw 2-2023 Land Use Bylaw Amendment
Land Use Bylaw Amendment
In accordance with the Municipal Government Act and amendments thereafter the Council for the Town of Vermilion will hold a Public Hearing in consideration of passing Bylaw #2-2023 which proposes an amendment to the existing Land Use Bylaw #1-2020 for regulations pertaining to the minimum and maximum lot size requirements for R1 and R2 Residential Districts and to create new CR1 and CR2 Country Residential Districts.
Please TAKE NOTICE that on Tuesday, March 7, 2023 at 6:15 pm at the Town of Vermilion Town Hall located at 5021 – 49th Avenue, a Public Hearing will be held to hear from anyone who feels they may be affected by the proposed amendment to the existing Land Use Bylaw #1-2020.
A copy of the proposed Bylaw along with any relevant documents may be examined at the Town Hall at any time during regular business hours of 8:30am to 4:30pm. Anyone wishing to be heard either directly or on someone else’s behalf may make oral representation at the hearing. Written submissions are acceptable and must be delivered prior to the Hearing to the Town Hall address indicated above.
At the Public Hearing, the Chairman shall direct to hear representation first from those property owners directly affected and then from those adjacent property owners. Following these groups, the Chairman shall ask for any other person who wishes to make representation.