Notice of Public Information Session
Notice of Public Information Session:
County Wide Active Transportation System (CWATS) 2016 Update Open House
Feasibility Design Study - County Road 2 (Old Tecumseh Road) (East Pike Road to Albert Road)
The County of Essex and its consultant will provide an update on the implementation of the CountyWide Active Transportation System (CWATS) and proposed future projects. We want your input on CWATS priorities. As part of CWATS, the County and Essex in partnership with the Town of Lakeshore, is undertaking a feasibility design study to identify and assess options to improve cycling and walking conditions along County Road 2 (Old Tecumseh Road) from East Pike Road to Albert Road in Lakeshore. The findings of this study will be presented for public review and comment at the open house.
Tuesday, April 12, 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Atlas Tube Centre
447 Renaud Line Road
Lakehsore, ON, N0R 1A0
If you are unable to attend the meeting, a copy of the displays presented will be posted to the CWATS website after April 12th, 2016. If you have any additional questions or would like to provide comments, please contact:
Jane Mustac, P.Eng.
Manager of Transportation Planning & Development
Corporation of the County of Essex
360 Fairview Avenue West, Suite 201 Essex, Ontario, N8M 1Y6
t: 519-776-6441 ext. 1397