Notice of Public Meeting: Proposed New Official Plan
Essex County Council will hold a statutory public meeting, pursuant to Section 26(3) of the Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990, as amended, for the purposes of discussing the proposed new Official Plan. The public meeting will be held as follows:
Thursday, September 5, 2024
at 6 p.m.
County of Essex Council Chambers, Civic Centre
360 Fairview Avenue West, Essex, ON, N8M 1Y6
The Public Meeting is intended to provide an opportunity for the public to offer comments regarding the draft of the new Official Plan.
A copy of the draft Official Plan, together with reports that have been prepared as part of the Official Plan Comprehensive Review, are available on the County’s Comprehensive Official Plan Review page.
Background on the New Official Plan
The long-term prosperity, health and well-being of residents living and working in Essex County will, to a large degree, be shaped by the land use, transportation, growth management, environmental, housing and fiscal policies that are incorporated as part of the County of Essex Official Plan. It is one of the most important policy documents that County Council adopts, and it contains a broad range of goals and policies that guide and provide direction to landowners, business owners, and the community at large pertaining to how growth is managed and resources are protected.
The Planning Act requires that an Official Plan conform with provincial plans or that it does not conflict with them; has regard to matters of provincial interest; is consistent with provincial policy statements; and addresses recent legislative changes. Considering the timing of the approval of the current Official Plan, the introduction of a 2020 Provincial Policy Statement and amendments to the Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990, the County has undergone a comprehensive review to prepare a new Official Plan.
Members of the public who wish to participate during the Public Meeting and provide their comments directly to Council on the Draft Official Plan must register with the Clerk’s Office to be a delegate no later than 5 p.m. on Monday, August 26, 2024. Delegations will be limited to five minutes.
To register as a delegate, please complete the online form:
Your application to participate as a delegate will be reviewed and you will be notified by the Clerk if your request has been approved. Only registered and confirmed delegates may bring forward presentations or information to be considered as part of the Public Meeting.
Members of the public who wish to attend the meeting in person, but not present to Council are still required to register. One registration per person is required.
To register as an attendee, but not speak before Council, please complete the online form.
Members of the public who want to watch the meeting can view the livestream on the County of Essex website:
Your Input is Important
Any person may participate in the Public Meeting and/or provide written or verbal representation. If you are unable to participate in the meeting, you may provide written comments by submitting them to the address or email below. Please include your mailing address with your written comments.
By Mail: Rebecca Belanger, MCIP, RPP, Manager, Planning Services, County of Essex, 360 Fairview Avenue West, Essex, ON, N8M 1Y6
By Email:
A copy of the agenda for the public meeting, including a staff report and any attachments, will be available in advance of this public meeting on the County’s website on Thursday, August 29, 2024 at
The final version of the new County of Essex Official Plan will be adopted at a later County Council Meeting. After County Council adopts the new Official Plan, it will be sent to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing for final approval.
If you wish to be notified of the decision by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing on the proposed Official Plan, you must make a written request to Rebecca Belanger, MCIP, RPP, Manager, Planning Services, County of Essex, 360 Fairview Avenue West, Essex, ON, N8M 1Y6 or at:
Notice of Collection
Personal information collected as a result of this public meeting is collected under the authority of the Municipal Act, the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA), the Planning Act, and all other relevant legislation, and will be used to assist in making a decision on this matter. All personal information (as defined by MFIPPA), including (but not limited to) names, addresses, opinions and comments collected will be made available for public disclosure to members of the public, at the meeting, through requests and through the County of Essex website. Questions regarding the collection, use and disclosure of this personal information may be directed to the Clerk, Essex County Civic; 360 Fairview Avenue West, Essex, ON, N8M 1Y6.