NOTICE OF STUDY COMMENCEMENT: Malden Road Transportation, Public Safety & Urban Design Improvements Class Environmental Assessment Addendum (Todd Lane to Meagan Drive)
The Town of LaSalle and the County of Essex are preparing an Addendum to the 2009 Malden Road Schedule ‘C’ Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) study to revisit the corridor and review the changes that have occurred since 2009.
The Addendum will include:
• Re-evaluation of the original proposed recommended solution from the 2009 EA in conjunction with the changes that have occurred over the last 10 years, including changes in land-use, socio-economic conditions, cultural environment, legislation, CWATS Masterplan and the Town and County’s Official Plans.
• Consultation with residents, stakeholders and the public.
• Assess and obtain existing and future transportation conditions (including the 2019 Draft Transportation Master Plan) and propose recommended modifications and a preliminary design to continue to improve the Malden Road corridor.
Changes to the 2009 Class EA study will be documented in an Addendum report and will be made available for a minimum 30-day public review period at the conclusion of the study. The report will be prepared in accordance with the requirements for Schedule ‘C’ projects within the Municipal Class EA document (2000, as amended), under the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act.
How to Participate in the Study
A Public Information Centre (PIC) will be held in late 2019 to present updates to the 2009 Class EA study, including existing conditions, and alternative solutions and designs. Notification of the date, time, and location for the PIC will be provided in a subsequent notification.
To learn more, visit the project website.
Your comments and questions are encouraged throughout the study. To be added to the mailing list or to provide comments, please contact a member of the study team below:
Peter Marra, P. Eng.
Director of Public Works
Town of LaSalle
519-969-7770, ext. 1475
Stephanie L. Bergman, MA, ENV SP
Stantec Consulting Ltd.
Krystal Kalbol
Manager, Transportation Planning and Development
County of Essex
519-776-6441, ext. 1316